Why I do
what I do
& love it

Decluttering isn’t a science. There is no 1 perfect amount of things to keep, no 1 challenge that will work for everyone. 
That is why – on top of the systems, workbooks, membership, … – I always strive to be there for every client who needs it. 

I’m always so proud to see them change their lives & grateful that they choose me to help them. 

The difference is in the details. I used to think I had everything really organized, but thanks to Sarah now it really is organized. I'm super productive now!
Teacher & mom of 2
"So many times I decluttered and organized just to have chaos come creeping back in after a couple of days. I was so discouraged. Now the systems really work and need only minimal maintenance. "
organized boxes
Sofie K
"I never knew it could be like this."

"My progress has been above and beyond what I expected thanks to Sarah. The calm feeling we now have in our home is devine."

Consultant & mom of 2

“The practical and simple way Sarah explains everything makes it super achievable. The program is full of simple, but very handy tips & tricks. I never dared dream that I could be in so much control of my house. “

Griet N.

Ceo, mom of 2, marathon runner

decluttering testimonial sarah brouwers
decluttering testimonial sarah brouwers
decluttering testimonial sarah brouwers

"With a clear vision & dependable systems, you'll be unstoppable."

“Sarah’s coachings are efficiënt, practical & fun.
She’s so generous with her tips & teachings. 
I now feel so confident decluttering. “

Griet N.

Ceo, mom of 2, marathon runner

organized boxes
decluttering testimonial sarah brouwers
decluttering testimonial sarah brouwers
decluttering testimonial sarah brouwers
decluttering testimonial sarah brouwers