Are you ready to beat the clutter?

Like …. yesterday.

>>>  What if you could transform your home in 6 weeks…

 > By learning why the chaos keeps coming back & how you can avoid it. 
> By building a system to declutter with less time, energy & emotions? 
> By designing organizing systems that fit your personality?

>>>  How different would you feel if…

 > You could look around your home and feel calm & proud?
>  You knew the clutter would never come back?
>  You could spend time with your family without guilt?

then 'Chaos to Control'
VIP Intensive
is perfect for you.

"The difference is in the details. I used to think I had everything really organized, but thanks to Sarah now it really is organized. I'm super productive now! "

How a slob transformed her messy house into a tidy and organised home.

(surprising her own mother)

I know how you feel and how frustrating the chaos and clutter can be. 

Years ago the combination of working full time, 2 littles running around and a big renovation weighed heavily on me. Every day I felt like a failure drowning in stuff and to-dos. It made me cranky, irritable and a very short-tempered mom and wife. I hated it. 

So I made the decision that I would focus on getting rid of the chaos. I was on a mission to find smart, quick, practical solutions that would get me out of that hole. 

Those solutions and systems saved and still save me every day. I want to share them with you. 

When using traditional means of decluttering and organizing the chances of relapse are too big.
(Have you ever seen YouTubers “declutter and organize” the same closet time and time again? It drives me crazy.)

You need better, quicker, more personalized decluttering systems that stand the test of time and real life. 

That is why I create this 6-week 1:1 get – (sh)it – done program.
It combines psychological knowledge with practical systems and a lot of support & accountability.
(And fun!)


'Chaos to Control' :

a unique 1:1 get – (sh)it – done program
full of practical systems, tips & support.

It’s all you need to tackle the chaos once and for all. 

See how you can build these systems too

  1. Self-awareness – unlock the vision & confidence to kick clutters’ ass.
  2. Decluttering – automate your decluttering to do it quicker & eliminate doubts.
  3. Organizing – effective systems that work with your life & personality.

Simply select a time that works for you to book a FREE coaching call with me: 


Decluttering is personal. 
What makes you happy is not the same as what makes me happy. 
But our frustrations, emotions & motives are the same. 

“Chaos to Control” is not only a practical coaching program. 
It’s founded on psychological principles. 

I’ll teach you these principles so that you – despite the doubts you have now – will be able to declutter quicker and with more confidence.

Thanks to these psychological foundations, this investment will keep on proving its worth for years to come.

Choas to Control
is for you if you want these results:

Discover why the clutter keeps coming back.

No matter how many times you declutter or tidy up, the chaos keeps creeping in. Learn why and how to stop it from happening.

Quicker & better decluttering.

Self-knowledge & personal systems are essential & the core of Chaos to Control.
They'll give you the power, certainty & speed to declutter fast & efficiently.

Implement the genious organizing system that is the backbone of your decluttered house.

This system was & still is the reason a slob like me can keep a tidy house.

Tips, tricks & lots of aha moments

While tackling the clutter together you'll pick up a lot of practical tips that are helpful for your personality & situation.

get rid of doubt
& overwhelm

Where to start & what after that?
Chaos to Control is designed
to ban your doubts. +
You'll have me to answer your practical questions and give support (or a loving kick in the butt) when you need it.

Drive & a superwoman feeling

The relief & feeling of power that you will feel when a project is done is
wonderful and addicting.
The chore you hate now, will feel ike fun once you get a hang of it.

"With a clear vision & dependable systems, you'll be unstoppable."

Don't just take it from me:

"The practical and simple way Sarah explains everything makes it super achievable. The program is full of simple, but very handy tips & tricks. I never dared dream that I could be in so much control of my house. "

Griet N

organized boxes

"So many times I decluttered and organized just to have chaos come creeping back in after a couple of days. I was so discouraged. Now the systems really work and need only minimal maintenance. "

Sofie K

You’re ready for ‘Chaos to Control’ when …

‘Chaos to control’ is not for you if …

Are you ready to grab the chaos by the horns? 

Book a call now to discover your systems:

1. Self-awareness – unlock the vision & confidence to kick clutters’ ass.
2. Decluttering – automate your decluttering to do it quicker & eliminate doubts.
3. Organizing – effective systems that work with your life & personality.

My mission is to empower busy women who are sick and tired of clutter and chaos to get organized and decluttered using practical systems and self-development. 

I want you to feel confident and know what is important to you. 

I want you to have a beautiful, decluttered, and cozy home, make your life easier, feel in control & have more fun.

I am was a messy person

Being organized and decluttered is not in my DNA. In fact, my mom still likes to embarrass me about my messy room. 

That is why I want to help you. 
Because I know where you’re coming from.
I know the feelings of frustration & desperation.